Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A teenager?!?!?!

WHAT? I don't think it's possible.  When I stop and think about being a mom for 13 years I am just shocked.  How can that be? Anyway, Zach turned 13 today.  My momma heart hurt a little - we've always had a very special relationship and that's changing.  It also hurt because Jake was so sick (crying almost all day) that most of the attention was on Jake not Zach.  
Zach is our first born, our guinea pig.  I often feel bad for him because we don't know what the heck we are doing!  But Zach, is so sweet, quick to forgive, patient with us, and easy going (he didn't have a birthday cake this year just left over Christmas cupcakes - and he didn't care!).  Zach is a very smart boy who has an eye for creating and putting things together.  One time I tried my very hardest for several minutes to put the "no leak part" in a sippy cup and finally I asked for his help.  He did it in .3 seconds barely even looking at it - I was trying to put the thing in backwards and after minutes didn't see that!  He is a hard worker with his school, can memorize like you would not believe and very diligent to complete all his work - without help - what 7th grade boy does that?!?!?! I am so proud of him out on the soccer field too.  He gives it his all, practices so hard, and respects his team mates and those he's playing against.  But for me, his mama, the two things that take the cake are the way he always sticks up for me - always!  And the way he was/is with Ella and now Jake.  His heart for his younger siblings is amazing to watch and see glimpses of and it is precious. Love you Zachary! 

Christmas 2014

This Christmas was not exactly what I had in mind - but it was good, very good.  I'm slowly but surely learning that things almost never go the way I think they will or occur like what I have in my mind.  Expectations kill joy more often than not.
So this year, Noah got sick a few days before Christmas. He had to miss the annual outing to PA to do fun Christmas stuff with Grammie and Pop Pop.  Next, Zach got sick.  But on Christmas Day Jake woke up with a high fever.  I was a mess and just could hardly relax.  Ella and Brian were next to get sick.  Then Olivia and I got sick but it was a minor version of what everyone else had.
Looking back on this sickness, I can honestly say God provided. Was it easy - no - but God was present.  The timing wasn't good but is it ever?  I am so thankful that Brian was home to help (particularly with Jake) and that we had some distractions with other family members being here to help as well.  So praise God for His healing and His timing that is always perfect, even when I don't agree.
A few pictures...

*I seem to wear this red sweater every Christmas Day since I bought it...oh well:)

Monday, December 15, 2014

Dance, dance I said

Zachary is in 7th grade and attended his first dance this year.  On December 13, 2014 Zach got all dressed up and went to CPC for his first ever Granite Classical Tutorial dance.  
He had a blast, ate dinner and listened to music.  He said he did not dance - someday. The chocolate fountain was the highlight for him! All the dessert he could eat:)
I'm thankful for opportunities like this for him!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Green Thumb

Noah got a small infection in his thumb on Saturday.  Brian took him to a clinic and they drained it. It looked much better right away and by 2-3 days later he was fine.  Brian had almost the same exact infection in one of his fingers when he was about Noah's age - interesting!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ella turns 7!

Wow! I can't believe that she's 7!  The last 2 years have been sort of a blur for me and I feel like this little girl grew up a whole lot - and I almost missed it.  Ella Paige you are a joy, sweet and happy all the time.  Nothing much gets you down -- ever.  You make us all laugh with your funny comments (especially at dinner), you are a well-liked sweet, encouraging friend, and a go with the flow gal. This year Ella started soccer and is doing very well!  I wonder how long it will be before she has daddy coaching her?  Ella is doing a great job learning to read and is an excellent student.  I love you Ella and you are a blessing! 
Ella had a few friends over after school on her birthday.  We did a few crafts and ate cupcakes.  Ella was a happy girl!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pop Pop turns 70!

My dear dad turned 70 this year.  I would never guess he was 70 and am so thankful that he is so healthy and active still!  Always helping others and keeping very busy!  We love Pop Pop very much and we are so thankful for him!  Love you dad! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Noah's turns 9!

Our middle child, the quietest of them all, turned 9 recently.  He had a short wish list and very little desires for his birthday - most of all he didn't really want anyone to know it was his birthday (besides his family members).  Noah is growing in several areas of his life. I see ways in which the Lord is molding and shaping this kind, fun boy.  He is quick to laugh with us over jokes, loves to be on the soccer field (and is quite the player as well), is helping out more around the house (without an argument) and is trying hard to be diligent with school work. He is a kind friend and gets along easily with others.  One of my favorite things is seeing how the two older boys have really bonded over the last year - perhaps sleeping in the basement together will do this?  Noah Maxwell is a special gift - we are grateful for him and love him so much.  Here are a few pictures from his birthday.  His cake was a mistake turned crazy - but he was very sweet about it and even liked it (the kids saved me at the last minute). 
P.S. I think he will wear hand me down soccer jerseys for the rest of his life!  XOXO


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Our yard

I think fall has become my favorite time of year - no wait I know fall has become my favorite time of year.  I love the trees and colors and I LOVE the cooler weather.  I'm pretty sure the cooler weather is much more appreciated after spending many summers and early falls pregnant.
Here are some recent pictures from our yard this fall.  I am blown away by God's handy work in the simplest things we take for granite (mushrooms) or don't even notice (the gorgeous berries on our bamboo plants).  I am looking down more these days as Jake crawls and starts to walk so I notice things differently - this is a good thing.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Jake and a 1 year picture

I knew I needed to be more on top of things -- but Jakes one year birthday came and went.  I walk past the other four kids one year pictures on the wall a hundred times a day.  I needed to get a shoot of Jake for on my wall!  So FINALLY the day came.  It was a total spur of the moment decision.  Kids get the white sheet, help me move this table, let's change him out of his tye dye t-shirt?!?!? And so the trying for a "good" picture began.  Here are some of the shots (we probably have at least 100 tries).  I kept getting shadows and finally Brian got home to take the real deal - the keeper!


*The last one is the keeper.  Yes, that IS a marshmallow in his hand - we were desperate - very desperate!  And combing the's optional, right?

Olivia turns 11

Olivia turns 11!  Wow! I can't believe it.  I still remember how beautiful the day was when we brought her home from the hospital - and how good I felt!
Olivia is really growing, changing and maturing.  I think Olivia's love for the Lord is growing and it's so beautiful to watch.  It's evident in the ways He is changing her heart.  Olivia is a VERY diligent student.  She gets all her work done quickly and nearly perfect every time. Olivia is an early riser ALWAYS.  She is a sweet friend and very helpful to others.  I SO appreciate all her help with Jake over the past year.  Her teachers have commented on how helpful she is as well.  She does all our laundry (most days) and hardly complains (yes, she does get paid but still it's a lot of laundry and folding).  She saves her money, is eager to babysit (or get some sort of job).  Dancing queen.  Quick to forgive.  Snack shack volunteer. Reads a ton! Texts a ton:) Bakes some.  Argues with her oldest brother most days - but they love each other (see pic below).  And soon to be following in her mama's love for fashion - oh wait she already is! I love you Olivia and am so thankful that God gave us you! Just you the way you are - perfect inside and out because that's how God created you.

Olivia got a new locket necklace from Origami Owl.  The charms I put in it for her are an "O", her birthstone, a dancer, books and a cupcake.  We also, gave her jumbo muffin tins, an apron, a knitting bag, new knitting needles, a ring (opal is one of her birthstones), pens and post its from Zach, a bracelet from Noah, and a glass box from Ella.

Olivia had a couple friends over to celebrate.  They played games, made duct tape journals and ate dinner and of course cake.

One thing Olivia has really started enjoying and looking forward to are "dates" with those close to her.  Brian took her out for breakfast to Eggspectations.  Grammie and Pop Pop took her out for lunch to The Standford Grill (a week early).  And Oma and Opa took her out for lunch to Coal Fire - although we forgot to take a picture:(.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ella and her bed

Ella decided a few days ago to do THIS to her bed...

And so she has been enjoying sleeping inside there for several nights now.  I think she feels very cozy. She was hoping her sister would share this space with her and have a sleep over. She even made two separate areas but Olivia wasn't interested and decided to stay sleeping up top.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Swinging does the heart good

Recently I've noticed something - it's a neat somethin:).  If Zach has had a long day or done something hard he immediately comes home and swings - swings till his heart is content.  After soccer practice, a Granite school day or maybe just mowing Mr. Robins lawn.  It's been happening for a few weeks now. So I've been thinking on this more and more and enjoying watching him.  It just makes me smile when I see it. My boy is 12 and he just loves to swing - thank God he is not too grown up for such things.  May he always take time to relax after the hard of life.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Who made THIS mess?!?!?!

Oh, silly me...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hev turns 38

I had a very sweet birthday.  I was awoken to the smell of cinnamon rolls and lavished with cards from all. Brian bought me high brown boots (he knows how to pick um) which made my heart so happy - not the brown boots but the fact that he went to the mall and choose brown boots for me!  
My parents came down and took us out for lunch.  We went to Alexandra's at Turf Valley.  We had beautiful weather and enjoyed lunch outside - the dessert was SO yummy - peanut butter of course.  I may or may not have chosen this lunch spot based on the dessert selection.  Brian surprised me and met us there! My heart was happy!