Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A teenager?!?!?!

WHAT? I don't think it's possible.  When I stop and think about being a mom for 13 years I am just shocked.  How can that be? Anyway, Zach turned 13 today.  My momma heart hurt a little - we've always had a very special relationship and that's changing.  It also hurt because Jake was so sick (crying almost all day) that most of the attention was on Jake not Zach.  
Zach is our first born, our guinea pig.  I often feel bad for him because we don't know what the heck we are doing!  But Zach, is so sweet, quick to forgive, patient with us, and easy going (he didn't have a birthday cake this year just left over Christmas cupcakes - and he didn't care!).  Zach is a very smart boy who has an eye for creating and putting things together.  One time I tried my very hardest for several minutes to put the "no leak part" in a sippy cup and finally I asked for his help.  He did it in .3 seconds barely even looking at it - I was trying to put the thing in backwards and after minutes didn't see that!  He is a hard worker with his school, can memorize like you would not believe and very diligent to complete all his work - without help - what 7th grade boy does that?!?!?! I am so proud of him out on the soccer field too.  He gives it his all, practices so hard, and respects his team mates and those he's playing against.  But for me, his mama, the two things that take the cake are the way he always sticks up for me - always!  And the way he was/is with Ella and now Jake.  His heart for his younger siblings is amazing to watch and see glimpses of and it is precious. Love you Zachary! 

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