Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas 2014

This Christmas was not exactly what I had in mind - but it was good, very good.  I'm slowly but surely learning that things almost never go the way I think they will or occur like what I have in my mind.  Expectations kill joy more often than not.
So this year, Noah got sick a few days before Christmas. He had to miss the annual outing to PA to do fun Christmas stuff with Grammie and Pop Pop.  Next, Zach got sick.  But on Christmas Day Jake woke up with a high fever.  I was a mess and just could hardly relax.  Ella and Brian were next to get sick.  Then Olivia and I got sick but it was a minor version of what everyone else had.
Looking back on this sickness, I can honestly say God provided. Was it easy - no - but God was present.  The timing wasn't good but is it ever?  I am so thankful that Brian was home to help (particularly with Jake) and that we had some distractions with other family members being here to help as well.  So praise God for His healing and His timing that is always perfect, even when I don't agree.
A few pictures...

*I seem to wear this red sweater every Christmas Day since I bought it...oh well:)

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