Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Muddy Hands

The second I saw her muddy hand caked with mud - inside our house - I just went nuts!  Wash your hands immediately!  Don't touch a thing! She did as she was told and I didn't hear anything more about it.  But the next morning bright and early as I was taking the dog out I saw this

and I smiled BIG!  Little surprises from God that are not always clear at first glance.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hat boy

It seems as though Jake has a hat on all the time - but he doesn't - cutie!

My own money

Ella had decided she was going to spend some of her very own money on a Barbie and horse.  We were at Target doing some other shopping and she saw this one and decided that's what she wanted.  I encouraged her to go home and think about it and she did.  The very next day she woke up early and very happy exclaiming she had decided that was "the one!"  So we headed back to Target to buy what she had seen the day before.  The lesson to me this day was her complete joy in buying this new toy!  She was over the moon with excitement and joy flowed from her all day long.  I sometimes forget to have joy in the special moments God gives to me - Ella thank you for reminding me to ENJOY life!

My soccer ball

Mom took me on a walk today - it was pretty chilly and windy for April but I love walks!  I carried this little soccer ball with me THE WHOLE TIME!  Another soccer lover in the making...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shark PJ's

Cutie pie, after a bath. Eating Cheerios and sporting his new shark PJ's.  What a sweet boy with a sweet smile!  But don't be fulled, sometimes, the shark attacks so be careful!

Hev's new glasses

 Selfie of me and my new glasses! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Words that melt my heart

So we were at a soccer game.  It had been a long weekend and the game was late on Sunday - 5:15 in the evening.  25 minutes away...not really feeling like attending but not feeling like staying home either - I went:)  We pulled up to a horrible field lined with sandy dirt (ya know what I mean?).  I felt dirty already and I was still in the van.  Jake woke up the second we pulled up - figures - and so we headed down to the "field".  Ella immediately wanted to play in the sand/dirt so I reluctantly said okay.  She played her heart out and was FILTHY.  I mean filthy by the time the game was over. But the words that were over heard coming from her mouth.  Those words made the whole night worth wile.  Another little girl asked Ella how it was to have a brother (she was referring to Noah) and Ella said "it's good, sometimes he gets on my nerves but really he's my BEST friend"!  And as we left the soccer field, dirt and all, she (Ella) yelled out "this was the best day ever!"  I often wish for just a little of her joy! Love, love, love those sweet moments! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Are over rated.  After all we just went SIX months without using ours:)  This is easy to write now that we are on the "other" side. Jake slept through the night in his crib for the first time a few nights ago!  This was a HUGE accomplishment as he had always slept in his car seat (with a lovely soft blanket that just cradled him so gently).  He was so comfy.
Just one more reminder that time changes everything and "this to shall pass."  Truly am thankful this has been such a smooth transition for little Jake (and mommy).  No turning back now!