Sunday, March 2, 2014


Today, at church I was encouraged by my dear friend Heather Tack.  I was complaining (probably whining) that Jake IS sleeping through the night but it's STILL in his car seat.  On one hand I am thankful and on the other hand I am complaining and feeling like it's just not good enough.  Yes, he's sleeping through the night but it's not in the typical place - or what other people would consider typical.  I so often just want everything to fall into place just so.  To have all my ducks lined up just so.  What does "just so" really mean Heather?!?!  Especially in this little Reardon Bunch world that we live in.  I have 5 children!!!  Nothing will ever be "just so" for me.  I need to let go of my perfect little world and enjoy all the blessings the Lord has so graciously given to me.  So what if Jake sleeps in his car seat - he sleeps and so do I - and I am a much happier mama for it!  Still trying to let go and enjoy...

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