Friday, February 28, 2014

Avocados...who knew

So I had this crazy idea that I would buy avocados and Jake would actually eat them - no one else in our family eats them but I just knew Jake would:)  After all they are SO good for him so of course he'll eat them.

Well to my surprise he hated them - LOL and made horrible faces with every spoonful. To the point that I could not give him anymore - just couldn't do it.  But the experiment was well worth it because inside the avocado we found a treasure this:

Ella and Noah played with and named these seeds from the center of the avocados for days (until they started peeling and looked kind of gross) then I threatened to throw them out and they did one last experiment (kids are SO good at experiments).  They cut the seeds open!  All of God's creation is so cool!  I frequently fail to see this I'm so thankful that my kids help me see the awesomeness of creation each day.

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