Sunday, March 30, 2014

And then this...

Words can never express how I feel every time I see THIS!  One very special young man reading to his six year old sister -- just because SHE asked him to after dinner.  Thank you Lord for this gift!  Best oldest brother EVER!


Sometimes you just have to wonder "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?!"  The best part is no one claimed it (well of course not) but seriously someone had to miss the sink and dump the remains of their plate like that!

Brian turns 37

Brian turned 37 today!  John and Rhonda came to visit and celebrate with us.  Brian and I went on our first date out by ourselves since Jake was born - to the Elkridge Furnace Inn.  We had a lovely quiet meal it felt strange to be able to talk by ourselves without interruption:) 

Friday, March 21, 2014

National Gallery of Art

We took the kids on a Granite Field trip today to the National Gallery of Art.  What an amazing building that is!  It is enormous and so beautiful inside.

Granite kids!

Olivia, Alaina, and Ella in front of the beautiful flowers.

After our tour we found these awesome fountains.  If the weather was warmer I think we would have had some wet kids.


I love this guy!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Science Fair 2014

We had three children participating in this years Science Fair at Granite.  Zach and Olivia both choose their topics and Noah was given his topic. Brian did the bulk of the work on the actual project and then I helped with the design/display of the boards. 

Zachary did his project on reaction time.  He was specifically trying to understand if playing video games makes you have a quicker reaction time or not.  His results show that yes video gaming does help you have a slightly faster reaction time.

Olivia's project was on memorizing numbers and if people are better at seeing numbers and remembering them or hearing numbers and remembering them.  She discovered that people are generally better at seeing something then remembering it.

The highlight of the afternoon for me was when these two friends saw each other...smiles SO big!  Noah really misses Lincoln alot.

These three sweet girls played together for over an hour doing who knows what...having fun...that's what!

Monday, March 10, 2014


While waiting in the van for Zach's first game of the day to start...this happened.  Olivia was in the middle row along with Jake. Noah and Ella were in the third row.  All of a sudden Ella comes flying over the middle seat with legs and arms everywhere - she was freaking out.  Then I start freaking out because Jake was asleep. Olivia starts freaking out because Ella has somehow gotten herself lodged between Olivia and the seat.  Once we all stopped going crazy we find out the reason she just hurled herself over the seat....a STINKBUG!  Then we all started laughing hard (except Olivia who was still phased from the incident)! 


Noah has always been so good at making things from Rainbow Loom bands...but now he is making adorable little creatures like this!  I love to see the creative side of my kiddos!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Pre-Season Tourney

I love watching our boys play soccer!  It's so fun and they both love the sport.  This weekend they were in a pre-season tournament called the Amanda Post.  Both boys scored goals - Noah had one from the field and Zach had one pk and one from the field.  Zach's team went to the finals but came in second place.  Noah's team also went to the finals and won!  Both boys were happy campers.  
P.S. We had a good bit of snow just days before this tourney so it was pretty awesome that the boys were able to play.  But it was still a little difficult to get around with the stroller (due to very wet conditions and a lot of mud).  While trying to get to one of the fields Olivia says to me "Mom, sometimes I wish you could just stick Jake back in your belly - things were a whole lot easier then".  Yes, Olivia I understand:)

Friday, March 7, 2014

First Hair Cut

Jake had his first hair cut by Grammie.  He was crazy wiggly but she got all the straggling hair trimmed off.  The blonde "patch" was not allowed to be touched on the back of his head:)

Finally a Spring like day!

We finally got outside today to enjoy a little sunshine after a LONG winter inside!

Jake rode in his stroller without his car seat for the very first time - he LOVED it!

Olivia was my walking buddy!

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Today, at church I was encouraged by my dear friend Heather Tack.  I was complaining (probably whining) that Jake IS sleeping through the night but it's STILL in his car seat.  On one hand I am thankful and on the other hand I am complaining and feeling like it's just not good enough.  Yes, he's sleeping through the night but it's not in the typical place - or what other people would consider typical.  I so often just want everything to fall into place just so.  To have all my ducks lined up just so.  What does "just so" really mean Heather?!?!  Especially in this little Reardon Bunch world that we live in.  I have 5 children!!!  Nothing will ever be "just so" for me.  I need to let go of my perfect little world and enjoy all the blessings the Lord has so graciously given to me.  So what if Jake sleeps in his car seat - he sleeps and so do I - and I am a much happier mama for it!  Still trying to let go and enjoy...

First tooth

Jake's first tooth is popping through!  I can't believe it!  Some how all of a sudden he is "bigger" to me and I realize more now than ever that I need to hold on to these moments and cherish each one.  Lord, help me enjoy this time each and every day and not always look to the future when things will be "easier" and "better".