Friday, February 28, 2014

Avocados...who knew

So I had this crazy idea that I would buy avocados and Jake would actually eat them - no one else in our family eats them but I just knew Jake would:)  After all they are SO good for him so of course he'll eat them.

Well to my surprise he hated them - LOL and made horrible faces with every spoonful. To the point that I could not give him anymore - just couldn't do it.  But the experiment was well worth it because inside the avocado we found a treasure this:

Ella and Noah played with and named these seeds from the center of the avocados for days (until they started peeling and looked kind of gross) then I threatened to throw them out and they did one last experiment (kids are SO good at experiments).  They cut the seeds open!  All of God's creation is so cool!  I frequently fail to see this I'm so thankful that my kids help me see the awesomeness of creation each day.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Brave Olivia

Olivia was so brave today!  I was so proud of her!  I knew what was coming but some how couldn't tell her.  I wanted to protect her as long as I could so she would not be scared.  But then the Doc said it (gently but still said it)...I will have to cut these warts out of your feet. But don't worry I'll numb it first:).  Oh good!  Well the numbing was the worse part, the tears came but we got through it. My mama heart hurt for her but at the same time I knew it's what needed to be done...oh how many times will this be the case?    

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday Breakfast

Something that I have truly looked forward to and enjoyed completely over the last 8 months or so...breakfast at Eggspectations with Melissa.  We get up early and and meet there no later than 8:00 am.  It's so nice and quiet - not many people around. We get an early start to our Saturday and enjoy fellowship and some yummy food without impacting our families too much.  I always have such a joyful start to my day after one of these mornings with a dear friend.  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Opa's 67

Today we celebrated Opa's birthday.  He turned 67 years young this year.  Our celebration was post-poned a few days due to the weather but we finally got to celebrate.  We enjoyed a family meal together and then had vanilla cupcakes with peanut butter icing! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fear and a bounce house

I'm trying to live with less fear and truly enjoy life.  Last Saturday night we invited a family to go out for dinner with us who we knew were sick (had a cold).  We had a lovely time talking and laughing. This seems like a very small thing to most but it was big to me. Then today the kids and I went to Pump It Up.  Germ central.  Yes, I made them change their clothes when we got home and wash their hands (of course) but we went - a good start. The kids had a blast! And I truly enjoyed talking to some other mamas.  Baby steps...  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rice Cereal

Jake had his first rice cereal today!  He loved it!!!

But what really captured our hearts was this...

The way they love him is just incredible!  

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sleeping in his crib...finally

We were desperate for sleep (even 3 hours straight) so when Jacob was just days old we started sleeping him in his car seat at night. Well as you might imagine transitioning to his crib has not been easy.  We have started to slowly get him to sleep small stretches in his crib.  Here is Jake finally sleeping in his crib - his own special way!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Cupcakes are so yummy!  I want to eat one!  Who cares about the fact that my hair is a mess!!!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Riding her bike

Ella learns how to ride her bike!  
YES -- in the dead of winter! Go Ella!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mrs. Sheep

Olivia was Mrs. Sheep in her first drama performance, Fairy Tale Court Room, with Granite Classical Tutorials! She performed in three shows and did a great job and of course had a blast!