Sunday, January 31, 2016

My week

Yes, there has been many hard parts about this week - the week after the blizzard of 2016.  But oh so many good parts.  Here is a little taste in pictures.

This kid, yeah, the 14 year old one in the picture with his mama, that one.  He is an awesome kid.  What other 14 year old takes his mom on a "date" to Stanford Grill (he choose and made reservations) AND PAYS?!?!? Wow! 
Now that he is 14 Brian is giving him some challenges to help him with becoming a man.  And this was one of them but still - I was blown away by the sweetness of this gesture, the conversations we were able to have and the love this kid shows me.  God has blessed us immensely.  And then when we were just about to leave Zach said "Look at your to go container mom" and I looked down and there was a perfect heart that had formed all on it's own.

Yes, we had a busy Saturday, but fuzzy slipper socks with his sneakers - dad was in charge:)  And the pants just kept riding up.  The whole thing just deserved a picture - this was at the Towson Basketball game.

Olivia's dance company performing at the Towson Basketball game.  They did an awesome job!

And then the privilege it is to have a team and a coach that is able and willing to pray before and after Zach's basketball games.  Just love this so much.

And last, but not least, is my new hedgehog PJ pants.  Found them on the clearance rack and I just love them - aren't they soooo cute? And comfy too.

Monday, January 25, 2016


Like almost 30 inches of the white stuff...the blizzard of 2016.  The kids had a blast and I didn't even mind it all that much:)

The snowmen was completely made by our kiddos...and the pictures were taken by them as well.  Fun!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Knit hat

I finally knit a hat in the round using circular needles and then double pointed needles.  This is the 4th attempt.  But I was not going to give up - even if I did scream and holler and throw several half finished products directly into the trash can!  I have plenty of mistakes in this one but I'm learning.  It's a little big but I can wear it:) Trying to teach Olivia to knit in the round next.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Randomness around our house....

We took in a "pet" wooly bear caterpillar for a few days in the middle of winter.  Leave it to Noah to find and rescue it.   

One day when going into my pantry I spotted a random frog puppet just laying on the shelf.

And last but not least, on several occasions I have found weird things in the freezer but none so strange as our cardboard cutout of a gun, Jake's doing. And don't try to take it goes right back in.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Eve Day 2016

We went to celebrate New Years Eve at 12 noon at a friends house. It was fun, their house was amazing and they had a balloon room - love!  We were supposed to wear crazy hats but as it turned out we were pretty much the only ones who did that?!?!?