Sunday, August 30, 2015

It finally happened

Our oldest is now taller than both of us! It happened quickly, just 2 weeks ago we measured and Brian still had him.  Then all of a sudden, bam, taller.  We didn't even realize it until after church. Sam Smith sat behind us on Sunday and after the service was over said "I think he has you."  Brian's response was no not quite.  And then Sam forced the measuring to begin, back to back and sure enough Mr. Smith was correct.  Zach was taller than his dad!  Brian is excited for Zach to be taller...but he's waiting on the day that Zach is faster and stronger.  I'm pretty sure Brian is hitting the gym today:)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Jake has this thing about balloons and well um ums (M&M's) too.  He is obsessed to put it mildly.  So when you ask him what he would like for his 2nd birthday he says balloons and oh by the way LOTS!  He will often add in um ums.  Brian's thrilled because it will be the cheapest birthday ever!

Peach, Apple and Flower picking

We headed out to Larriland Farms on this amazingly gorgeous morning.  We were actually chilly a few times but the sun was shining brightly.  The kids have never picked peaches or apples before so they were all excited!  We had a wonderful time walking through the orchard and in no time at all had picked 20 lbs of peaches and about 22 lbs of apples.  The flower cutting took longer and the kids were much less enthusiastic about that - but mama wanted some flowers - so they helped anyway. It was a relaxed and fun time for all - now if only all of homeschooling could be so fun. Taking this fun morning and treasuring it in my heart - always.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Every little boy...

should drink his yogurt out of a shot glass at breakfast.

Because he can and oh, yes of course, 
because he saw his big sister Ella doing it too!

1 monkey + 1 banana

Monday, August 24, 2015

They turned RED!


Noah and Ella picking the first tomato! They were so excited!  Brian and I ate it on our salad.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

So cute

My favorite of all time  - the hedgehog!!!  Of course this is Noah's creation. He's so cute!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pool Fun

Just a few shots of the kids (and Brian) having fun at the pool.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Family Picture

Heading to Chelsea's wedding - we're all dressed up so we must take a picture!  Jake stayed home with Grammie and Pop Pop - but they had fun at an old car show too. The wedding was very pretty and the outdoor reception was along the bay - gorgeous view of sailboats and the water.

I love how Jake has his arm around Noah, Ella has her Magic Tree House book and Zach is wearing Brian's clothes because I discovered a little too late that he had nothing to wear that fit him!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Evening walks = Love

There is something about a nice evening walk...I just love them. They are so peaceful!  The ultimate is when the weather starts to get a little chilly and you need a sweater or sweatshirt - weeshy please! After dinner is all cleaned up one of my favorite things to do is go on a walk with Brian, we push Jake and the kids usually ride their bikes.      

 Weeds growing in our neighbors yard - gorgeous aren't they?
 Our street sign:)
 Two cuties holding hands - melt my heart!
 Shadows in the setting sun.
 Need to remember this - always!  Why the hurry, why the rush. Your only a child once.
 Someone wanted to get out and push the stroller.
 Beautiful pink sky as the sun sets.
 We have three tomatoes!!!  
They won't turn red but at least we have tomatoes.
Looking up through our basketball net - just playing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mission to Maine

Zachary went with Grammie and Pop Pop on a mission trip to Maine.  He left on July 31 and returned on the 12th of August.  They stayed in a college dorm, Grammie made most of the meals and Zach was on the job with Pop Pop.  Zach had his eyes open to how others lived and the great needs that exist even here in our county.  Zach learned a lot and had lots of fun too!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

An evening outside with J

Jake and I were outside one evening as the sun was setting.  He was so content to play with tiny pebbles and his fly bike and I was trying to capture the moment with little light.

* Fly bike might be the best use of our money ever.