Sunday, July 27, 2014


This summer we spent a few days at a lovely lake house on Lake Meade - with grammie and pop pop.  We are so very grateful for the opportunity and Walt and Linn's generosity!  The house was spacious with plenty of room for all of us (Yay!).  The view was gorgeous from the deck and inside the house.  It was so peaceful and quiet.  The highlight was definitely the lake!  The boat was probably everyone's favorite thing to do. Tubing off the back or just evening slow rides were enjoyed by everyone:)  Brian really enjoyed the boat, driving it as well as tubing off the back.  Fishing, S'mores, kyaking and even Pop Pop falling (or getting dumped) out of the canoe - fun had by all. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

First full haircut

So he has already had three trims.  But at 10 months Jacob got his first full blown hair cut.  To say it was getting out of control is an understatement:)  Julie did a great job with all his wiggling, head twisting and moving constantly, and oh did I mention screaming (yes, the whole time).  I only took pictures at the very beginning and the tears had not started just yet - my camera malfunctioned and literally would not take anymore photos - but then as soon as we left the salon I tried it again and it worked.  I guess I wasn't supposed to have the screaming crying pictures.  Zach was a real trooper holding the screaming Jake so this mama could record the event with her camera.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Cousin Time

We were so happy to get to see Brandon this year in July.  The boys had a blast together.  Water guns, water bombs, squirt guns, swimming, food, sleepover, yo-yo's, frisbee and on and on.  What a treasure it is to spend time with family!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fourth of July Fun

We planned way in advance to have the Dollman's down to our house for the 4th.  Remarkably it all worked out!  Schedules aligned and no one was sick!  Wohooo!!!!  Thank you God!  We had a wonderful day outside.  The weather was GORGEOUS and the kids all played so nicely.  Brian, Andy and Krista and I had some wonderful fellowship time.  A few pics from the special day!